Kia ora koutou, 
Welcome to the last newsletter for 2024! We are so excited to be going out on such a positive note. Over the past two years, we have put a huge focus on whānau engagement. Our end-of-term events have been so well supported and the numbers coming along to celebrate have grown and grown. And then, on Friday we did something we had never done before. We had over 150 people ‘camp out’ on our school field. It was an absolute highlight for all involved. We learned a few good lessons and we would do things a little differently in the future but overall it was a fantastic community connection and whanaungatanga event and the feedback has been super positive. I want to thank Vanessa McDowell – this was her brainchild and she was both brave and a little bit crazy to take on such a big event at this time of the year when teachers are full steam with getting things ‘done’ before the year ends. Thank you Vanessa, for twisting my arm and organising such an outstanding camp. I also want to thank the rest of the staff. We didn’t make this a compulsory thing as we knew that there would be a lot going on but everyone showed up and gave 100% to the overall success of the campout – I couldn’t be prouder of the team.
With two prizegivings ahead of us and a Year 8 celebration, reports to go home and a short week with a fun day thrown in for good measure – we are almost there.
In a perfect world, I would be announcing the staff and class makeup for 2025 in this newsletter, however a few things have happened at the final hour which have impacted on my perfectly laid plans.
Amie Brown has been successful in securing a teaching position at Newbury School – and we wish her and her whānau all the very best. Grace was due to begin school in 2025 and even had her school visits here with us throughout the term, however an opportunity to take up a position that works well for her whānau dynamics and provides them with some new and exciting opportunities was just too good of an opportunity to miss. We on the other hand, will miss you Mrs Brown! You have been a treasured member of our Bulls School whānau for 10 years. We have seen you get married and have two beautiful pēpī in that time but change is good and whānau comes first – so on to your next adventure with all our blessings it is!
We will also farewell Deb Erickson at the end of this year. Deb began her teaching career here with us and has secured a position at Rongotea School for 2025 which is an exciting next step in her career path. We hope you take a piece of your Bulls School whānau with you and wish you all the very best as you transition from a beginning teacher into an experienced teacher!
And finally, I am taking a step back from my role as Tumuaki. I will be here until the end of Term 1 2025 and then I am taking refreshment leave for the remainder of 2025. I am so grateful for the incredible support of our Board of Trustees to allow me to take this time to re-evaluate and perhaps reprioritise my options and even more grateful that Megan Syme is willing to step into the role while I take this time.
So – changes ahead – but what is that saying, a change is as good as a holiday ;-).
I look forward to seeing you all at Prizegiving this afternoon and/or tonight. This might be a super busy time of year, but it is also a time of celebration, reflection and deep breaths as we head towards our Kiwi Summer!
Ngā manaakitanga, Kim Gordon